Sunday, August 30, 2009

olives = fish

i've tried olives before and they taste HORRIBLE
i mean the ones you get right of the tree
they have fields of these things to make olive oil
olive oil are the best oil you can cook with cuz there is barely any added ingredience and it has () calories

the ingredience and the method of making olive oil hasn't changed much for the last 2 thousands years.

but there is one thing that bothers me
how did the people know that they can get some really good cooking oil from a small olive that tastses sooo darn bad?!

i mean seriously
how can somebody tastes an olive and go "OH GEE WIZ! WE CAN GET COOKING OIL FROM THIS"

i dunno
i guess it's like the person who shrivels up an grape to get it all looking old and ugly to make raisins

( i hate raisins)
is that how you make raisins?

i've seen the fish farms on tv too. that's worst than the olives. and then people who work there everyday........bless them

hoards of fish all crowded together in a big tank with nothing but layers of slimy doodoo under them.......bless them too

well there's an important lesson from fish farms


jkjkjkjkjkjkjk........................................but seriously

my 2nd post

well, 2nd post.
i dunno wat i'm gonna talk about in this one
wow, i don't know a lot of things

gosh how do you start a topic?
it's hard
cuz you have to do the transitions so the topics can connect somehow
for me, it's just like......uh.....well ,like chop chop- very direct
there is no transitions


i used to know wat smart is. when i was younger, smart was getting top grades. but now...i'm not so sure that that's wat smart is. gosh, when you were younger, everthing was simple. you knew that mad and sad rhymed and 1 +1 was 2 because one apple plus another got equals to 2 apples. and the trees had green leaves and sometimes had yellow and brown and red leaves.
really small kids are like....are like.....well.....they're
i mean when you have a fish, it does nothing but eat, sleep and poo.
that's just like describing a kid!
well, that might not make the best description.
now i think that smart is also making good choices and doing the right thing....well there basically the same thing. but smart can be also being kind and understanding to people's problems and just not being prejudice.....and that falls under making good choices....?

wait no.....actually i dunno

well that was a lot

and i also think that smart is to bee happy and always look at the positive
so yea
just bee happy and don't try to be negative

dang i hate my math teacher!!!!!

there are some exceptions.....

well....i'm starting

well, the title says it all, or maybe you're still confused.
i dunno
well this blogger website says that you can write anything about....well anything.
i really have no idea wat to do with my first blog
i guess that i'm blinded of wat to do because of the so many things that's swirling in my brain right now
all i can think of is to write everything like i'm saying it......if you know wat i mean
or maybe i shouldn't do that since i swear so much.
o well
i'm just gonna keep on writing and see where it's going