Monday, March 29, 2010


Ever wonder why the British seem to win more Oscars than any other's?
like Helen Mirren?

Well i think it's because you've got to live up to when you school is called the

should've put this one up during the oscars....o well

Friday, March 26, 2010


There once was a gecko named Geco
But somehow we call him Geico
He talked the British
Which to everyone was gibberish
And that's why Allstate dubbed him a psycho


Sunday, March 21, 2010

What people hate

there is always something(S!) that everybody hates
that they are annoyed by
but can't do much about it
and i'm telling you this because i'm agitated and i'm a blogger

like Buddhists want hair
But there is not much they can do about that
nuns feel like anything they say to man is called cheating because apparently they are married to Jesus.
parents hate their kids (really, they do....sometimes)
kids hate their parents (more than parents hate the kids)
it's a balance of nature for that one
parents nag their kids to eat faster and cleaner, and kids nag parents to cook better food
you hate me and i hate you and that's what makes us a one big happy family
it's a love-hate situation that consists of mostly hate
40% love and 70% hate
i know the numbers don't add up but i'm just trying to prove my point

what i hate
is being pushed around
forced to do things
and only commented on stuff that you are bad at
everybody knows that
and if you don't
then your God

( i was gonna say monkey...but then i realized that they actually do get pushed around a lot)

i am constantly being reminded to play piano
practice violin
read more books
hand wash my clothes because SOMEBODY ran out of quarters
sure i'm lazy, and if you don't wake me up i'll probably wake up at 12 pm
but i'm being forced to do stuff all the time
do this do that go there go back go up go down go sideways....ok i ran outa possible ways
if i wasn't being nagged all the time to do stuff that i already know
then i wouldn't be so stressed out

being told to do something that you forgot is called annoyed
being told to do something that you already know is called "shoot me"
only remind people when they actually forget

and no matter how much you tell the person to stop or "shut your yap"
they'll just tell you how in the future you need to be more organized and stuff and just keep on doing it

my parents do that to me all the expected

"hey go practice piano"

1 hr later

"why are you watchin' TV?"
"cuz i'm tired"
"your never gonna get any knowledge out of that"
"i'm watching Discovery Channel"

no matter how much i say that i'm tired, it's the weekend, somehow academics and music classes comes first

and i do try to go outside
but when you have nobody outside to go with, you just gonna be inside
and wat do you have inside in a typical 21th century home?

  • TV
  • several game boards (but in the 21th century, either you lost some pieces or the whole box is lost)
  • books (but you try to get interested but your not)
  • and for kids past age 12, nothing else
oh and another thing for what i hate
people commenting on what you are bad at ONLY
like take report cards for example
when i got my report card back i had almost all A's except for a B in fitness
now that doesn't mean that i'm fat or anything
in fact i'm not
it means that i cant throw the frizbee straight and my one week off to visit my relatives wasn't taken too lightly by the PF teacher

and so after my parents read the report card....for like 20 min (?, i know right?)
they were like

"you are bad at PF. you need agility skills, your not strong enough. you need to play more sports. you need to do more than just sit around all day"

and not one word on the A's

and when i heard that
i sat there for about 5 secs, and those 5 secs was waiting for the "but there rest is just wonderful"

but nothing

and i wanted to say something about that because obviously i got really angry
and i wanted to throw something and since this was during dinner, i wanted to throw a plate at them but considering my poor Frisbee skills, I'll probably miss

and with that i went up to my room and slammed the door shut and started swearing under my breath

that's what happened
for me
it seemed obvious that i would get some kind of "good job" or "awesome"
but apparently that wasn't the case for them

that kind of thing doesn't just happens for report cards obviously
but don't you just hate it when people only make fun of you of the mistakes and sometimes don't pay attention to the good things?
i know some people do that but they're only joking
and i know that
but sometimes when you work you butt of for something and you don't get an applause for any of it

that's like Hollywood actresses going to TJ Max to buy their gowns because Versace was gay

so seriously
that's a problem
and it's annoying
and that
is redundant

i know i write about random stuff
but i'm just tired of this. the only difference between me and other people who are feeling the exact same thing, is that i'm just putting it all in words
but hey
i'm agitated
and i'm a blogger
do the math

Saturday, March 20, 2010


The point of being in business and being a businessman is to get popular

a decade ago, people had to go to Harvard or Stanford business and read 700 page books on "Innovation" or "How to Dine with Royalty by age 30"

now it's different

you don't even need to go to college

business people could just watch popular YouTube videos all day and take notes


Before "Party in the USA".....

So you wonder why it's called party in the USA? not china, not Germany, but USA?

Miley Cyrus need a new song

this time it had to show a hype for partying as herself, miley

so she searched the atlas for a cool country besides the US (because that would just be to predictable)

Europe came as an obvious answer. but where?

so she thought that one of the most famous and modernized with celebrities would be FRANCE

she went into the VIP clubing area for the countries biggest celebrites

and started partying and finally met a cutie






"Je suis un PC et Windows 7 a été mon idée"

so that's why it' called Party in the USA.

Monday, March 15, 2010


so 2 days ago i went to the SF Modern Art Museum
most people
come out of museum with inspiration
some people come out with the feeling of enlightenment
and others come out looking smart cuz now they can brag to their friends how much knowledge they've learned from looking from a well known artist's photograph when in fact, they can't remember any artists' name

i, came out of the museum with a joke

i just find it amazing that a wall size canvas with nothing on it but gray paint could be inspiring
i mean a dot means HOPE
a small minuscule circular dot

well then wat does a small triangle represent?
well if you asked one of the curators
they'll probably tell you that it's a three-way

it's MODERN art

small things like this could be counted as art
and could gain fame all around the world
would probably piss off da Vinci

"DAMN if i knew that this was all i had to do to be famous, i would've never wasted my time painting that ugly women!!"

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Think Before You Speak

Have you ever heard of people ranting on something
especially when that something could be like the government, or the war on terrorism

and you are just sitting there listening or barely
but that person is just ranting on and on
and you want to tell them to shut up but either you walk away, or that person just won't listen
and i know that almost everyone, no i take that back, EVERYONE will be that person at some point
but none the less, it's annoying on many different levels
one, cuz it's just a person yapping, and two, THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT
if you don't have proof
if you don't have evidence
if you don't have experience
you can ALMOST convince somebody
but you cant
because it's almost

i hear people whether they are payed to do it or they are just a regular person
ranting on the government
how the troops should be sent back
how George W. Bush should just go to hell
how the economy is going to the drains and it's all who and who's fault
how we just keep and fight, fighting continuously like the way we are in debt continuously
but let me ask something
do you have a BETTER plan?

who knows what's right or what's wrong
in the government
in politics
it's just all a blur
and you have to carefully examine to find the answer
and even that might not be enough
sure the government has done bad stuff before
no country is perfect
but all countries can be better

imagine what the US is capable of
we could start a nuclear war
but we didn't

you have to remember
that these things are complicated are
as complicated as many other things

complicated depends on how you look at something
it could be simple, but if you think about it, it gets complicated
which i don't recommend doing
complicated could also imply something large
something that takes a LOT to take in
i've tried to take in big concepts
and it didn't work out
before you go ranting on something
you need to think this

Are you sure on what you are saying?
Are you 100% sure?
Do you have something to say when you find out that you are wrong?
Do you?

you can be right
and you may be
but there are just many things attached to what you say
some you may know
and some you may not
some things that you are sure about
may become scrambled up at the time when you least expected
like which would you choose if you had to choose? righteousness or peace?

you may find yourself ranting on Bush but then realizing that he was just representing what it means to be American
taking a stand, democracy, justice, and all the other stuff
being president is hard
it's one of the many jobs where you realize that there are strings attached
and one move could lead to a catastrophic domino effect
and you don't know which move

Because strings are attached and one pull, the other ones are pulled too

looking at things in all angles
that's what you need to do
that's what everyone needs to do


if you have it
then you can say anything without being wrong
obviously no one is like that
but you can be the best you can be
what if you realized
and what if you didn't
but you ended up in the same ranting spot
what is the difference?

well, it's the fact that you at least tried

that's the problem everywhere
what's the problem? it could be a problem and it could just be something else
what people realizes
what makes sense to them whether they know all the facts or not
simple things that drives people, government, countries, and some other things that are just out there in the universe
you cant see it
but it's there

i know that i have used government and politics a lot in here
but those are just example
i don't have the brain power to think of anything else
but i know that there are more examples

it's like a circle
you've been told that a circle has infinite points
but when you pin point one
you suddenly realize that another point
a totally different point
is just a nonmeter away from the yours
my point is that
some things
are just complicated
like the circle
and is too broad, too general, too universal, too big, too large, too vast
to take in
to sink in
to realize
and i understand

i'm not forcing anyone
i'm just giving them something to think about
like i did to myself

what i said is a really big thing
and i don't blame you if you are really confused
but i am just glad that i got to it out there, to say what i mean

god that was a mouthful
not that i was saying this whole thing in one breath
cuz that would be weird

so now
either you are already gone cuz you got bored
or you just had to bare through it
or you actually know what i mean
think before you speak
and i think i have thoroughly explained that concept

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Picking the courses for high school = staring contest

today, yesterday, and most likely tomorrow, i will be staring at pieces of paper that have to do with high school courses

things are harder if you want to learn everything
and although this might sound weird
but, now i hate it when my parent's tell me that it's my choice
because i don't know what i really want anymore
there is electronic, JAVA programming, drama, and all the other stuff
which sound boring, yet feel really important

like Principles of Business

you just sit at your desk and stare at the courses your gonna take
and staring at the requirements for getting into the good universities
either you wanna go into them or your parents do or both,
your just sitting there, trying to narrow down you options

and asking yourself
What do you want to do with your life?
What do you want?
and then finally speaking to yourself

you start to think of is it worthy to take a particular class
because if you do, you might miss out on something else that might be more useful or important

then the thought of credits, honors, AP classes, and other anvils of stuff comes into your head

what do you do?
wat do you choose?
what will happen when you choose it?

at this point
i'm still sitting there
and waiting for some miracle or a flash of light (no not the death one) or some revelation that will come to you and will make everything go clear

but nothing came

and so instead
something else came

"wow, i'm only a kid and i'm already trying to plan out my life"

the papers looked official
and they just stared right back at me

but then something did come
something that seemed just like a miracle

you see
your only going into the 9th grade
your only a kid
this isn't real life YET
this is just school
and your not trying to create a company
your only choosing classes
for 9th grade
worry about the other stuff later
worry about the thing that need to be worried about now
and then
don't worry
although that doesn't make sense
it helps
it slows things down so you don't explode with pressure a few years earlier than you need to

you can find what suits you later
right now
your just choosing classes

that is my advice
that is my explanation of my advice
(pause for effect)
(pause to let wat i said reverberate into your brain)

but a shorter way
is to ask your parents :)

so don't stress out
after thinking that
i had another thought

wow i need to blog about this