Monday, May 16, 2011

The Creativity Problem

We live in a nice suburban city nestled snuggly in the cradle of Silicon Valley, where
“ingenious” start up companies are continuously sprung up in a cluster together, where nearly every family is supported by the awe-inspiring power of technology, and where we all love to “stay healthy” and “go green” by going out in our morning jogs as, many magazines which backed up by accomplished doctors say, is good for you. What could possibly be wrong?

Here in my school, we constantly have to put up with competition, not just with other schools, but also each other – which is something that has been going on for a long time, but surprisingly, we’re still not used to, and complain about.

It is common now, to have your freshmen friends go straight into some AP language class, your sophomore friends skip straight into Computer Programing class because apparently they already know programming language, your junior friends getting 2400s on their STAR tests, and your senior friends getting into Stanford.

Your choices of in this school is a combination these choices; good at math, good at computer programming, good at starting up companies, good at writing, good at science, good at violin/piano. And you must order a combo.

By the end, if you are not a doctor, then you’re a lawyer, and if not a lawyer, then you’re a computer programmer, and if you’re not a computer programmer, you’re a scientist. And you must at least be a CEO before your junior year. Because just “a good student”, “straight A’s”, and “a full score on SATs” will not look good on your college application.

The key point that we have always been taught but never truly followed is the importance of creativity. Doing what you want to do, which is not necessarily academic related. If you want to be a Silicon Valley-Renaissance Man (which should be all of you out there), then you need to look at the world in a bigger picture. Silicon Valley was built on creativity. Not by following the crowd.

Seriously, do we really need another social networking site? Not everything revolves around instant messaging.

Do what you want to do. If you like acting, then join drama. If you like singing, then join choir (although you should make sure that you can actually sing first). If you like writing, then write a novel. This isn’t that hard. The only thing that is stopping you is the knowledge that you aren’t following the safety of the crowd.

The problem is, everything at this school is like applying for college; being an officer for a club, joining ASB “so it could look good on your college application” (aren’t you sick of hearing that?), signing up for five different volunteer club (you know who you are), and calculating your “precious” points in your Activity Point Sheet like a second grader.

Do yourself a favor and just go out there and do what you want, whatever you want. You want to dance? Go dance like crazy in the rally court – you’re young and you still have tons of room for mistakes. Try anything. Try everything.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Vegas and Other Vacationing Advice

as in Las case any geography freak reads this
i dunno if there is another place called "Vegas"
there is a star called i thought maybe there was a town called vegas...watever

I went to Vegas (not the star...obviously) during my spring break
and that was my...4th time going?
I've always hated going to Las Vegas
I hated all the gamblers, the casinos, the second hand smoking, and the prestige hotels/shops that make you feel like crap
all in all, a very adult-ish world and it didn't agree with my childhood world of innocence like...pooh bear and sesame street
(btw they're making a new pooh bear movie!)
basically a world were i didn't feel like a belonged
god that sounds so..disney?

however, Vegas is a tiresome city that the moment you enter it, you feel immediately drained
the desert is sweltering and it seems to stretch on forever
and Vegas is a dirty little saloon in the middle of nowhere of the Old West

yet, Vegas is also a place where you have to go a couple of times to actually like it
or go to all the right places the first time

try all the shows
buy all the souvenirs
go shopping
eat at nice restaurants
unless if you are on a tight budget cuz of financial problems (why are you in vegas in the first place?) then you should go out for everything
in vegas, or perhaps in many vacation cities, if you go cheap, you will NOT have a good time
you will not have an O.K. time
you will (say it with me) have a BAD time
plus, you are on a VACATION
have FUN!
trying to save..all your money is just limiting you from all the awesome aspects of vacationing
you can't go into vegas planning to save want to save money? don't go to Vegas

anyways, that's my vacation advice...dang i should have my own travel show

yea this is kinda random...but don't take AirChina...if you're going to Asia or something
seriously, you will suffocate...i mean...the food is worse than worse, and if you ask for juice or wine (not that i've ever done that) the flight attendant just looks all pissed at you...maybe cuz they were planning to have the wine themselves?
another bad thing about AirChina, is that there's no other airline bad enough to compare so you can feel better...well maybe AirFrance...i dunno i've only heard that it's bad

and if you already got tickets for AirChina...don't ask anyone about the service in don't wanna know...

how do i know about AirChina?
well...cuz i'm asian that's why

on road trips...don't feel bad about taking all kinds of portable entertainment
cuz you WILL be bored
don't think that "i'm gonna sleep through the whole thing" or "i'll just read"
although if reading is your idea of portable entertainment....then fine bring it
and don't think that "oh i'll just look out the window and enjoy the scenery"
you know that's a load of BS
it'll be like staring at your laptop's background for 10 hrs straight

another random advice: don't tell a Parisian how beautiful Paris is...he'll just get really annoyed

unlike Rated R movies....if a city isn't exactly age appropriate for a kid...they will not enjoy it

ok...i think that's all the traveling advice i know...
dunno why i decided to write about traveling
o yea...i went to Vegas