Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Day of School

The 10th first day of school...or 11th considering kindergarden....or 12th considering preschool...or 13th considering my birth...

well what i can say about this particular first day is that i don't feel too much like an idiot
last year when i just started at a totally new school, it was a totally new experience - to actually know what what it's like to be a real idiot
walking around now i'm totally confident when and where my classes were located
...and i get a locker (which when i say "it's a big deal", kinda makes me sound like those cup-holder loving people)
the thing was, last year, i didn't have a locker and it was a total medical disaster
and by that...i mean my back. all the books - EVERYTHING was stuffed into that backpack
making me look like i was a turtle - or one of those drama/theater geeks walking around in costumes...yet even they didn't look as ridiculous as i did

and unlike last year, i can honestly say that i don't hate my classes/teachers
however, it's not like i love them either
there was this one teacher that began her introduction speech by talking about how she'll give us less homework because she understands the pressure of school and that she wont tell us how to take notes or watever because she only care about the end product. she ended the speech how she quit her job at Cisco to follow her dream of being a teacher.

well by the time she ended, i thought a little birdie was gonna land on my shoulder and tweet (i mean an actually tweet) hello to me.

i hadn't finished the thought before BAM. the paper that she just passed out while i was daydreaming said that TESTS/QUIZES IS 70% OF MY GRADE

then i was like "I KNEW IT!" in a accusatory way - not in a Eureka way...
definitely not in a Eureka way...

never trust a person THAT gotta get some research (stalking) first
see she's indian...i was really starting to think that an Indian Math Teacher (those are some big's a lot to take in....a LOT) this nice was a little fishy...and i was right
i stepped right into the trap like a fool

and then i have a CHINESE SCIENCE TEACHER very very very....big...vast...humungous words.....and a lot to take in...
so i have a indian math teacher and a chinese science teacher....(she's super strict btw; she started the class by telling us that no matter how much we smile at her, she's gonna look at you straight in the eyeballs and tell you that she's not gonna raise your grades)

two extreme kinds of two extreme fields of study
have you ever seen bull rhinoceroses charge at eachother?
the impact is similar to this...

anywho, i get a really chill pe teacher who likes to give us nicknames....unless we don't want them....i nearly got "sushi"

and told us that all we had to do to get an A was: show up, dress out, and play
sounds like preschool
i was like "THANK GOD!!!" (and i mean get on my knees and look up at the sky...and crying of joy)

so that was my first day
some good parts
some bad parts
like when you microwave your lunch and it doesn't get heated right so some parts are hot and some parts are cold....

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Writer's Block

first things first: i gotta warn you, i don't know what i'm about to write
which by the way (i wrote it out because i'm cool like that), is the best thing to do when you have writer's block

so first thing on my mind after that first thing is that this is probably the first time in which i'm not looking forward to the start of school
usually i'm a such a nerd that i just can't wait for school to start and i get all my new school stuff
now...this whole beginning of school thing is just nagging at me and i feel like i'm slowly dragged into a black whole...never to be released....until next summer
or it feels like...ok this is the only way to describe this feeling: the feeling you get when your parent wants you to get off the couch saying that you've been sitting on it all afternoon but you're wayyy to comfortable...

i've been in my own alternate universe this whole summer....traveling in china....watching movies IN theaters and not on computers...and finally school.....i hate that word

i guess it's a pain for the parents cuz they have to go to work all day long...everyday and there's no summer break
right now i'm in a state of laziness that only french jazzy music can bring other words, i'm listening to 30 rock that sounds lame
because that's what summer is for: a time to be lazy
i mean it's hard to be cool 24/7
being cool is work!

well, another thing on my mind: i think tony's are worth more than oscars
why? cuz i think theater actors are sober and movie actors are arrogant and can range from actually good movies to stupid bro movies AND they are NOT sober
well at least that's what it looks like to me
plus movie actors are always jacked up on botox or whatever wild stuff they come up these days

oh and...i don't think tumblr is a blog
come on, i don't need to explain, just look at a tumblr page and then look at a blogger page
then you'll know what i mean

another thing that bothers me...people ranting on about the same topics: global warming, texting is bad, studying too much is bad for you (this is the only thing my writing for publication class comes up with), cool young tech companies: twitter, facebook, google, etc., and well i'm sure there's more...
i mean, i've heard it soo many times, it's like people have really got nothing to say or they're trying to milk it for all it's worth, until they squeeze out the last drop

i think i'm starting to hate my own kind of people: teenagers
i don't think i've ever really liked them to begin with
they all seem to be a bunch of airheads - all of which are in danger of popping and revealing it's contents: ...nothing....

although recently i've come to think that thinking nothing is probably the best feeling in the world cuz i'm not so eager on all the up coming stressing

another thing, i don't think french jazzy music does much for inspiration considering what i wrote....all it does is make you wanna sleep and eat creme the same time

my creative juices are at an all time low today
i would turn off the music if it didn't make me so lazy to do so

another thing: teenagers need to stop watching so much Pretty Little Liars and start watching 30 rock and The Office so they can get my references....which just proves once again what airheads they are

30 rock is smart comedy even though it has tracy jordan who is...not so smart
which goes to show the power of movie magic (tv magic isn't a word...)

is businesswoman a word?
am i a feminist??

anyways i better go and sleep and dream about creme brulee ( last night i dreamt about bacon and sausages, i'm seeing if i an keep up this streek (sp?) )

you see this is the kind of stupid stuff i do during the summer...but i like it ;)