Monday, July 30, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Genderbending: Avatar

Genderbending: To change the characters gender. however, zuko still looks like a guy and toph...kinda looks like naruto. 

Drawing in the Power

Avatar Korra. Done in pen, which meant that i was going to mess up on something and can't change it. and i did. on the eye. *sigh.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Finale

 A close up.

This is just something i drew on a plain white t-shirt. This is the back. Yes, i did draw something on the front but it's less epic so i'm not gonna show it lol. I used a purple Sharpie marker in case if you're wondering what that is. Yep...this is how i spend my summer. But hey, what's a HP super fan gonna do? I guess this is just a reminder of just how awesome the story of harry potter is. even i sometimes forget. *sigh.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Just a Note

hey fellow readers, you might've noticed the latest posts and yes, i'm going add more artwork soon cuz...i dunno why i've never thought about doing this before...because i guess it's better to look at then text or my looong posts. Just something to spruce up my blog lol.

The Spanish Lady

I did this for my art class and the paper was too big to fit in my scanner so i had to take a pic of it. And yes, that is my finger at the top....wat? someone had to hold it i did this a while back as you can see a the annoying date at the bottom but i dunno how to get rid of that on my camera. *sigh paper got creased and crinkled at the bottom but o well.

Aang Fire Nation

I did this on a post-it-note when i got bored lol. This is Avatar Aang from "Avatar the Last Airbender." normally bald with his monk robes, he went under disguise in the fire nation dressed in fire nation clothes...and hair. btw..he's holding fire if it's not clear lol. 

The Spy Couple

This was an oil painting that i finished a few weeks ago. The picture is ok considering the camera but eh you can't have everything in life lol. It's loosely based on Chuck and Sarah from the NBC show "Chuck" that ended last year...but this is my tribute even though it's a little late. i it not too late if people still comment on my Chuck NerdHerd t-shirt? 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The Future.... 
i must've written this a dozen times....but now i realize that all those posts that i've written a long time ago, nearly every single one of them on this particular subject was just a big :WHO ARE YOU? question.... and each time was my attempt to confirm the answer. But now i see that i wasn't really trying to confirm the answer - i was trying the force the answer.

whether it was the force the answer out of me or it was because i was trying to force an answer upon myself because i didn't have one: i dunno.

as i continue to grow, as i continue to progress through my path, i can't help think that i'm stalling, if not moving backwards. i realize all the burdens that will come when i grow up and i'm not sure if i can accept them. i understand them, but i haven't quite accepted it yet. the more i look ahead, the more i'm wary of moving forward because of all the hardships i see. this is no longer about school...but everything, the whole shebang. (Gulp) adulthood. 

i'll admit, i feel silly and ridiculous for feeling a lot like peter pan right now. J.M. Barrie, you were right all along. Everything that i've always had a passion for, studying (yes), learning, drawing, and other shenanigans feel like they're slipping away and dropping out of sight. it's like when you first go into an international airport. You're awestruck and intimidated by JFK and barely register the fact that your hand lost it's grip out of shock and the handles of your bags slip off your fingers. You've carried them all this time, focused on your where you're going, and then all of a sudden the world rushes in. 

"...holy crap...."
You've forgotten how complicated and vast everything is. 

If you have ever been to the JFK airport or know of it's reputation, then you'll know what i mean. I believe it's one the world's many ways of giving you a reality check. 
Before you go in: *sigh. everything is as it should be and feeling like catching butterflies
After you go in: Just F*king Kidding.

For the past few days, when many of my classmates, who are about to enter the most stressful chapter of their high school lives, are hard at work studying, i find myself doing nothing. For the longest time i didn't know why i was doing nothing. i was telling myself that i needed to do work or else i'll be stuck in a hellhole once school starts. But now i know; i was avoiding the problem. It is not just procrastinating on homework. It is procrastinating on life. 

life is a beast to take on...and i felt like the easiest way was to avoid it. i was doing nothing because i was trying to stall. But deep down i know that it's going to hunt me down like Kill Bill anyways. I can already imagine it...."The Bride" comes and kicks my ass half way across the world and while i'm still sailing peacefully in the air i think, "maybe avoiding wasn't such a good idea...." 

Before finals, i have been able to devour whole textbooks but the idea of growing up is something i can't wrap my head around. The future. the deepest crap hole ever. and we're all suppose to walk right into it like lemmings. 

Well that's why we have the internet so fine folks like us can complain about our problems. but i don't want to just complain...i want to find the solution. I've heard meditating helps but every time i try to sit still, somewhere always starts itching and then i can't help but i scratch it before i go insane. Plus i'm still not really clear on the concept of a chakra....what is a chakra?! 

The only thing i can think up is the fact that life just keeps rolling on...a lot of the times downhill, but nevertheless, it keeps on going. And whatever what we little grasshoppers do, plant a tree, nuke a city, it will keep on turning like it's nobody's business.

kinda reminds me of my landlord: "here's your place, don't screw it up too much....and just pay me by the end of month"

I know i have to accept...everything. But i don't want to force feed it. I just want to...let it seep in slowly. Then my life can feel normal again and my drive for everything that i used to have a passion for can come back. It's just like when you blink, shake your head, pick up your luggage again, and find your terminal to continue on your path.