Wednesday, December 30, 2009

i was i china

i was in china
and now i'm back
i tried to blog from there but it seems like china could provide all the websites except for this one
so that was....nice
o and i got sick....again
this time in china
well it was freezing cold and there was rain and snow and rain and snow and sleet
and at first i thought i lost several of my toes and starting to lose my hands cuz they started to turn black
but the hotels were nice :)

visiting relatives that i can barely relate to since my chinese wasn't that good
from my point at the time
it was boring
and frustrating

but now that i look back to it
its funny
cuz i did a lot of pointing and saying words that didn't make sense
i kinda looked like a gorilla or something
basically pointing and grunting
well....not grunting but you get the point

i guess the things i said just seriously didn't make sense that it would be just grunting anyway


when i headed for the airport at around 8 am in beijing
dec 30th

and when i came back

it was 8 am in san fransico
dec 30th

2 days in one

or in Safeway


finally when i landed in the US
the first thing i wanted was to hold the nearest American product.....which happened to be my mom's bag ( that happened to be a really expensive, and was a really famous brand, but i forgot the name)

i first thing would've been an American cheeseburger but the airplane food ruined my appetite

although i am proud of china and my nationality (wow i know a word of 5 syllables!)
i still live in america

god, saying that makes me feel guilty....really...guilty

o well

so......more jokes will be coming up

hope you all had an awesome christmas and a happy new year

i'm saying that cuz i'm not a new yorker
no offense to the fruit city itself
cuz even though that city brings wall street, recession, street full of spit,
they have good pizza....and that sorta makes up for all of it

wow i wonder how do new yorkers spend their holidays.....i should write about that.......maybe.....nah........wait....maybe

i dunno

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