Sunday, March 7, 2010

Think Before You Speak

Have you ever heard of people ranting on something
especially when that something could be like the government, or the war on terrorism

and you are just sitting there listening or barely
but that person is just ranting on and on
and you want to tell them to shut up but either you walk away, or that person just won't listen
and i know that almost everyone, no i take that back, EVERYONE will be that person at some point
but none the less, it's annoying on many different levels
one, cuz it's just a person yapping, and two, THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT
if you don't have proof
if you don't have evidence
if you don't have experience
you can ALMOST convince somebody
but you cant
because it's almost

i hear people whether they are payed to do it or they are just a regular person
ranting on the government
how the troops should be sent back
how George W. Bush should just go to hell
how the economy is going to the drains and it's all who and who's fault
how we just keep and fight, fighting continuously like the way we are in debt continuously
but let me ask something
do you have a BETTER plan?

who knows what's right or what's wrong
in the government
in politics
it's just all a blur
and you have to carefully examine to find the answer
and even that might not be enough
sure the government has done bad stuff before
no country is perfect
but all countries can be better

imagine what the US is capable of
we could start a nuclear war
but we didn't

you have to remember
that these things are complicated are
as complicated as many other things

complicated depends on how you look at something
it could be simple, but if you think about it, it gets complicated
which i don't recommend doing
complicated could also imply something large
something that takes a LOT to take in
i've tried to take in big concepts
and it didn't work out
before you go ranting on something
you need to think this

Are you sure on what you are saying?
Are you 100% sure?
Do you have something to say when you find out that you are wrong?
Do you?

you can be right
and you may be
but there are just many things attached to what you say
some you may know
and some you may not
some things that you are sure about
may become scrambled up at the time when you least expected
like which would you choose if you had to choose? righteousness or peace?

you may find yourself ranting on Bush but then realizing that he was just representing what it means to be American
taking a stand, democracy, justice, and all the other stuff
being president is hard
it's one of the many jobs where you realize that there are strings attached
and one move could lead to a catastrophic domino effect
and you don't know which move

Because strings are attached and one pull, the other ones are pulled too

looking at things in all angles
that's what you need to do
that's what everyone needs to do


if you have it
then you can say anything without being wrong
obviously no one is like that
but you can be the best you can be
what if you realized
and what if you didn't
but you ended up in the same ranting spot
what is the difference?

well, it's the fact that you at least tried

that's the problem everywhere
what's the problem? it could be a problem and it could just be something else
what people realizes
what makes sense to them whether they know all the facts or not
simple things that drives people, government, countries, and some other things that are just out there in the universe
you cant see it
but it's there

i know that i have used government and politics a lot in here
but those are just example
i don't have the brain power to think of anything else
but i know that there are more examples

it's like a circle
you've been told that a circle has infinite points
but when you pin point one
you suddenly realize that another point
a totally different point
is just a nonmeter away from the yours
my point is that
some things
are just complicated
like the circle
and is too broad, too general, too universal, too big, too large, too vast
to take in
to sink in
to realize
and i understand

i'm not forcing anyone
i'm just giving them something to think about
like i did to myself

what i said is a really big thing
and i don't blame you if you are really confused
but i am just glad that i got to it out there, to say what i mean

god that was a mouthful
not that i was saying this whole thing in one breath
cuz that would be weird

so now
either you are already gone cuz you got bored
or you just had to bare through it
or you actually know what i mean
think before you speak
and i think i have thoroughly explained that concept

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