Thursday, April 22, 2010

Mac or PC = Early Life Crisis

My school has macs
and they were all donated by Apple (thank you) BUT
so how are you suppose to do keynote at home?
o wait you don't because you don't have a mac
you have a PC
and if there is a project in which you have to do on iMovie
ok, how am i suppose to do that at home?
and NOTHING is compatible
except for all the windows office stuff
and the teachers don't understand either
(or maybe they do but they're not allowed to help you)

everytime there is a project and you have to do the filming and then you have to edit on Mac because if you do it on PC it's not gonna show cuz you need a which you are not allowed to use and sometimes those don't even work

i like PC
there is nothing bad about them
but recently due to this Early Life Crisis
i have been out of control
not kidding
i was actually considering to buy a used mac or see if i can rent one just for this project that we are doing....sad i know
but that's true
god...i need to calm down

if you are wondering which computer i like now
well i dunno
i guess i'm just mad at the school for having macs
you cant do anything...
this may not be the best blog entry
but i feel better now that i've let my anger out on this page

look i don't completely hate macs
they are pretty cool with their shiny um...everything and awesome keyboard
they are just soo white and awesome
i bet if i had a mac i would never use it
i'm afraid i might get it dirty
that's why i have a dirt colored (they call it bronze) PC

which do you prefer?
macs or PC?
oh and if you feel the same thing as me...please comment
it would make me feel a whole lot better
cuz then i know i'm not the only one

oh and btw
Happy Earth Day...make sure you recycle your papers, bottles, metals, cars, clothes, pets, toilet paper, beer cans so other people can drink from it, etc....


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Have you noticed that many of the game shows and shows where you can win prizes are increasing the amount of money? in fact it is now possible to get $1 million dollars on Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortunes!

and have you noticed that businessmen and women never seem to have the time to see those game shows?
well, lets be honest here
it's not because they don't have time for it, it just that they don't want to watch it

let me show you wat i mean:

to us, when we see the shows, we are like "oh they're now giving out a lot more money than before"

but to the average business person it's like "WHEEL. OF. FORTUNE!!! AND. WE. HAVE. YOUR. STIMULUS. PACKAGE!!!!"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Sarah Palin emerged from the loss of the (vice) presidential campain with a book (about...Going Rogue?) and a dream of becoming a reality TV star and maybe to run again next time? well what if Sarah Palin won? This is how she would've dealt a national a president


Secretary of Defense: Ma'am, the World Trade Center has been attacked by Arabian terrorists
Palin: OH MY GOD! what are Arabians?
Tutor whispers into the secretary's ear: "explaining it in a way she can understand...we're still not there yet"
Secretary of Defense: oh...Well, they're a whole lot worse than blacks and Mexicans

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Gays were obviously not accepted in society before
you never heard about them
but now
it seems like half the world is gay
everyday there seems to me some claim that somebody's gay
today, gays are more outspoken and more accepted
or at least taking a step....

USA: yea sure gays are cool

England: (now that we are friends with Yanks) yea gays are cool

Russia: half the time we're drunk so we don't really care

France: they make our clothes so, yes

Germany: yes

Spain: yes

Vatican : HELL NO

i mean baby steps....