Sunday, September 26, 2010


You are bored
and you are doodling...on the walls
and the hunt (dinner) isn't ready till and hour later....
this is the stone age
DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!

actually it's just your home....except you are forbidden to use any electronic media
except now of course
no no i didn't get in trouble or anything like that
it was a school assignment:
go through a 24 hr period without any contact to facebook...

oh that's easy, i hate facebook

...or any other electronic media


...then write a column on it


so now that's over, i shall document my experience
and it was HORRIBLE
well that's actually because i was sick...and it was really hot
but i was extremely bored
and there was a lot more doodling than usual

you know i thought that i can get through it easily
and i sort of did cuz i did know that it was going to be full of nothingness
but i looked around and there was a TV....and a Lenovo laptop....and my cheap cellphone.....
(did i tell you about my cheap cellphone? o well. so i lost my cell phone one day and when my parents found out they punished me by giving me a literally my-palm-sized-1hr-battery-life-2003-something-grey cellphone. and the brand was...siemens....i have never heard of it before)
anways my cellphone had a few games on it
and i just sat there on my couch....pondering on how our generation was so dependent on those things.....

and fell asleep
well before that, it seemed to me how ridiculous this current situation was
how i was just sitting there with the TV in front of me and unable to turn it on
everything was just barely out of reach

you can imagine me just sitting there, trying to avoid the heat
well sitting on a non leather sofa didn't help
so i just sat on the floor
which sort of helped
later on that didn't help much
so i laid on the floor
which was uncomfortable
so i was laying on the floor and surrounded by Post-it-Notes that said Harry Potter 7 Harry Potter 7 Harry Potter 7 Harry P....

this is wat happens when a teenager is disconnected from the internet
there could've been a Target store explosion conducted by Costco and i wouldn't know
people could've been talking about how there was a stampede of elephants at Stanford and i would be the ignorant little school boy who didn't know wat was going on

all in all
it wasn't a great day for me
with homework
my illness
no TV
no Computer
temperatures in the 90s
and boredom

now if you will excuse me
i'm going to watch some Simpsons....i think they're on

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