Monday, September 2, 2013

A short update

Senior year is slowing me down a bit and a free first period is making me even more lazy
what's super ridiculous is that i think i'm getting less sleep than last year because i have a bit more time
and now i'm like "free first...more homework can wait a bit.."

last year i was fighting to sleep at 10 pm at the earliest. now....i'm sleeping at 3 am just because i'm too lazy
then it gets into a cycle of destruction with only a few turns before the gears of the wheels break down and crashes
like i sleep at 4 am, wake up at 8 am, school blah blah blah, 3 pm school's out, 4 pm no energy take a 5 minute nap, wake up 2 hours later, holy shit i've got hw, an hour later start hw...sleep at 4 am..

nooooo please i don't want senioritis!!! not nowww!!!!! i've got college apps and important shit to do don't suck me in the me into the vortex... 


  1. "don't suck me in the me into the vortex... " O.O lol were u sleepy when u wrote this~ :P
    KNEE RHYMES W/ ME YEE but idk if u meant knee

    actually i agree lol free periods dont help Dat much, last yr i had free 7th & i would always start hw at ~8pm (cuz i went home, "o i dont have to do anything!" -> youtube -> i get addicted -> Omg just 1 more hour on Youtube -> Hmm just 1 more hour -> Dinner -> NO IT'S 8 PMMMM -> sleep at 2am-4am)

    i actually like free 1st more than 7th but i dont take naps so i guess we're different o.o
    yes free periods give false sense of "more time" poo... >.>

    idk about u but i find food helps me stay awake :O
    afterschool snacking ftw :DD:D:D
