Saturday, December 7, 2013

Don't Bother Curing Death

ok so i really should be studying for my finals and watever but because this subject has cropped up independently from two different people twice in during this week, I've got to talk about it here.

Providing medical treatment for really old people. 
I'm talking about people in their 70s, 80s, 90s, etc. 

I can't remember how the topic came up for the first time but I remember how it came up during the second time. Basically my friend mentioned to me that Nelson Mandela died only a few days ago at age 95. And i just said, well yea, he's old. I heard the doctors were trying to fix him up cuz he had a heart attack or something serious happen a few days previously. Pointless really. 

Then my friend said that that was a heartless thing to say. 
I expected that...but come on heartless? 

I think people are overly sensitive today. oh we can't say that or we can't say this. might as well just not say anything really if you're scared of being politically incorrect. 

but anyway that wasn't my point
my point is that we really shouldn't be trying to cure people who are already really really old. I mean if your in your 60s, alright we'll try some stuff out. And if your in your 70s and you got a cold, then fine we'll get you some Tylenol. But if you're in your 70s and you've got cancer or something, really don't bother. Don't think that you've just got some condition that wasn't suppose to be there. No, watever you've got at age 70 is suppose to be there because you're gonna die soon. Whatever you die of when you're old is of natural causes. 

I mean what is the point of keep on trying to cure old people? What are you trying to reach for? Immortality? no you're gonna die so just let it happen. 

It's like some guy who got fired from his job but is still hanging around in the lobby waiting for something to happen. It's getting to be fucking embarrassing and to be honest, quite selfish. 

When your time is up your time is up. Trying to prolong life artificially is just pointless. 

And I'm not just talking either. I think if I reach to be around 70s or 80s and my doctor tells me that I've got cancer or watever I'll be like we'll it's about damn time. I grew up, got a job, retired, went on a cruise a few times, seen my grandchildren or watever. I'm done. I've hanged around long enough. Now it's time to ask for the check and get the hell out. 

And if my family is like Oh no! How did this happen?? We'll have to get you surgery and don't worry we'll pay for it, we'll take care of you. If they say that, I'll tell them thanks but no thanks. First of all, why are you surprised? How did it happen?? I'm old that's why that's what happened. And second, pay for the surgery? No, don't waste that money on my old ass, ok? Use that money to pay for your kid's college tuition or do something useful with it at least. Pay some bills. I've already got one foot out the door, so don't bother, I'll see myself out. The most you can do right now is find me a good bed, give me a TV, a Chuck boxset, and visit me some time. And bring me some orange juice every now and again. 

You can try to cure a kid or someone who's relatively young because they are here and they are staying for a while. They've at least still got a significant part of their life ahead of them whereas the old guys are already done.

Also, if your reason to prolong your dying parents' life is because you want to spend more time with them, then obviously you didn't spend enough time with them when they were living. So it's your fault then. Now the people who did spend enough time with their parents might have the same wish but at least they'll learn to accept it as a natural occurrence. 

Don't think that I'm not scared of death though. I am. But you gotta realize that when it happens at a time when it's suppose to happen, don't try to postpone it. Nobody is above death. Not even Nelson Mandela. 

1 comment:

  1. Woahwoahwoah O.O Gettin' a lil controversial here, I see ; w ;

    But the other way of looking at it: won't refusing surgery be willingly committing suicide??? When there's still a sliver of hope??? I think you're vision is a little romantic, tbh... What is so wrong with being "selfish"? Isn't every human action, even "selflessness," based off of selfish desires? If there's a chance of living, why not try? There are always countless "miracle" stories everywhere, the chance is almost never 0% completely. Hey, Nelson Mandela would have reason to hold onto life, there's so much more to change in the world. He was a great leader, and I think you should say "Why not try? There is a CHANCE" instead of "Don't try"

    "Also, if your reason to prolong your dying parents' life is because you want to spend more time with them, then obviously you didn't spend enough time with them when they were living. So it's your fault then."
    sorry no, when you love someone you can never have enough time with them :/ Actually it hurts WAY more if you spend more time with them, and you would probably feel an even greater urge to spend more time with them, the more you love them.

    I don't think other people are being overly sensitive, because your attitude is like a.. (sorry, bluntly stated) close-minded "GIVE UP DON'T TRY." Are you sure that when you're old, you wouldn't want to hold on to life just a little longer?

    The choice to reject or want treatment should be up to personal choice, nothing wrong with wanting to try and see if treatment could possibly be successful. I bet much of the time, treatment IS successful, each additional day is worth it... death is scary.

    Concisely, I see what point you're trying to make, but I can't agree, the idea is a little detached and too objectified... sorry.
