Saturday, June 12, 2010

FIFA World Cup in South Afr - OH SH*T!!! THE BRITISH IS COMING!!!!!

FIFA World Cup
it has finally come
After four long years
since it's last game....and i don't really care

well to be honest
i'm like the rest of the world
i don't care about a sport unless my favorite team makes it to the playoffs or there is a world tournament...except for the Wimbledon and the French open
i like tennis but since these competitions happen like every year, i kinda get bored
it's not like the Olympic where they make the country work for 4 years and make the rest of the world wait for 4 years
like last time during the Beijing Olympics, when i was watching the kayaking, i was like "whoa look at that paddle work"

and the last time i went kayaking...i hated it

onto the most anticipated game for the two most classical rivals

that's why my blog is like
it was the only thing relevant to this game
for some reason blogger doesn't have a "sports categories" in their templates
o well

you know i think that it would a b**ch slap for Britain if they don't win
there will be two slap in the face for Britain i think

slap no. 1: if they don't win
slap no. 2: they haven't won since like some half century ago....and they invented the sport

if Britain was a mom, US would be the disappointing child
now i don't know too much about soccer or anything so i can't give you any soccer facts or say who's gonna win
but i can imagine Britain's pep talk before the game


player: wait i thought we already got over that?

Coach: H-H-HELLL NO!

now aside from competition that hasn't been aired yet

i have to say Nelson Mandela looks like Morgan Freeman

and as i am typing this...there is a pre-match
now what is that?
seriously i don't know
do the players have to get tired before they get tired?

last night there was the Kick Off Celebration with all the world renowned singers
and i have to say...the black eyed peas don't sound good live
it was just outa tune
but the ones that did sound good were Alicia Keys and Shakira

for this game
for the FIFA world cup
all the networks that aren't broadcasting the world cup, they are gonna loose views

for this game
for the FIFA world cup
McDonalds is the official restaurant
and for all the teams, they are saying...damn no wonder we lost last time

god it's hard to watch TV and type at the same time

o well

when did South Korea play soccer

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