Saturday, December 15, 2012

Another update

sore eyeballs, head hurts, clock ticking faster than usual
Finals studying

you know what i've noticed?
every time before a final, i get obsessed with something
last time it was the Legend of Korra and Avatar the Last Airbender
and now it's the Batman series
granted i don't think that the Dark Knight was that good but it was better the second time around 
to me it's like one of those things where the more you watch it or listen to it, the better it gets
anyway, i think i know the reason why obsessions like these crop up
during finals studying time, the focus is all on studying...which is boring
so i just naturally find something else that interests me and voila, an obsession

also a random comment on batman: Bruce Wayne is like the more serious older brother of Tony Stark
both are rich playboys and superheros but their personalities are different. Wayne's desire for crime fighting is more innate i think, which is the source of his overall righteousness. And as for Stark, well he was once the owner of a weapons manufacturer before sense was slapped into him. 

interesting thing happened a few days ago
a bomb threat was made against one of the teachers at school on thursday so everyone got a phone call to stay home. This is the second time something like this happened to this school. last time it was because there was a shooter near campus. 
as always with these kind of things, i get a lot of mixed feelings
i was glad because i literally had 3-4 hrs of sleep the night before (or that morning) and i was just thinking how was i gonna get through the day consciously when the phone call came. afterwards i just jumped back into bed. 
yet i was disturbed by the fact that a threat was made against a teacher. 

coincidentally, the Newton, CT shooting happened the next day.
last time it was also the same day as Steve Job's death

ok i meant for this post to be longer 
but as my head is hurting even more, eyes are getting redder, and i still have some studying to do, i'm just gonna end it here. 

Merry Christmas, in case i forget to say it later

Saturday, November 17, 2012

An Update on how my junior year is going

it's been a while
and since i've been so busy lately, i've kinda forgot how liberating it is to blog again
or is just liberating to listen to mariachi music?
because i'm doing that right now haha

nevertheless, as for my writing dilema, i've looked back at some of my old stuff (and noticed all the bad grammar) and started to read more of the Time magazines that i've subscribed to
writing is a scary thing for me now
before it was enjoyable
just another thing that changed for the worst
it's difficult for me to formulate how i'm going to write stuff
and when i force myself, i find that everything is incoherent and chunky
damn damn damn, as that speech doctor said in My Fair Lady

of course i mean formal writing, not this kind of writing lol

in general, things are getting better
i feel better
not great, but just a little bit better
still nervous all the time though, still a little panicked too
i've mastered myself a little now though
yes there is progress, but just a "little"
not really sure exactly what i'm talking about here
i don't know if there's an actual term for this
let's just put it as the weight i feel constantly in my chest, and occasionally my mind

and a "better" note, I watched Argo, that was a good thing
the movie was pretty good and the teacher made me explain it to the class and at the end she made everyone clap for me and saying what a good summary of a movie it was
Thanks....i guess? lol

maybe moving to Texas or something wasn't such a bad idea after all....i wouldn't be in this damn school
ugh...i shouldn't be swearing so much now, i've read that it doesn't help
but i can't help but do it anyway
though i'm trying

everything seems like such a great task
even the little things
and even when i'm doing anything i feel that weight
all the time

i hanged out with my friend on friday, that helped
being with friends help
and i mean hanging out with them
not talking about grades with them

went to my first tutor session today
payed a lot for that class
i've never needed a tutor before, especially with math
well now i know that there's a first for everything
just hopes it works tho

i can't really complain out there
i can but you'll also get judged for those who try to "help" you
i can only do it here in such the way i want, as i have done many times before

things will get better
things will get better
things will get better
they have to

i get used to it, but i can't get over it
feel kinda disconnected to everything

it's just a phase
it's just a phase
it's just a phase

scared all the time

well one good thing happened today, i finally got adobe photoshop (for free haha)
deleted the exclamation mark because it seemed out of place here lol
ah well, i'll just replace it with this:

I beat the system!
eh, i'll keep the exclamation mark

everything will be fine
everything will be fine
everything will be fine
it has to

Friday, October 12, 2012

Romney and Obama

Romney and Obama, not the best of chums. I drew this for my journalism class again.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Emma as Hermione

This is a sketch of Emma Watson, who plays Hermione in Harry Potter, that i did a few years ago when i was taking a study break. It was only meant to be a tiny doodle...but i kinda got carried away. Yes this is on a post-it-note. I also used a picture of emma as reference but now i can't find the picture; it was taken when she was younger.

Monday, October 1, 2012


A sketch I did in art class
I got kinda lazy towards the end lol, took sooo long
also I don't know what to call this

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Not a hero

"'You don't know how I feel!' Harry roared. "You - standing there - You -'
But words were no longer enough, smashing things were no more help,. He wanted to run, he wanted to keep running and never look back, he wanted to be somewhere he could not see the clear blue eyes staring at him, that hatefully calm old face."
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, Chapter 37
JK Rowling

Monday, September 17, 2012

Somewhere only we know

just another quick sketch of draco and hermione. i know they will never happen for real but....I WILL GO DOWN WITH THIS (relation)SHIP!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Draco Malfoy in his dress robes. I made a Hermione version but it was so...not good...that I decided to scrap it. I need to figure our what Hermione should look like. For some reason i have more trouble drawing her than draco. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Got a Tablet!

Still a lot to learn lol but definitely better than before haha.
no particular name tho. just for a practice using the tablet and pen.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The A/C

I drew this for my school newspaper and i kinda ran out of time so it didn't turn out as well as i wanted it to be which is why it looks sorta hurried (especially the text in the speech bubble, which btw is just the mom complaining about the economy, gas prices, everything expensive, etc.). Anyway, this goes along with my opinion article about how teenager should save money because of everything that's going on -  especially gas prices ( which is what my article is mainly about). Here's the link to the article if you're interested.
see in full view! stuff looks better that way
ps. lol people said they were impressed with this so i started to feel good about myself but then i went on yahoo and found out about the guy who drew a girl so well that it looks like a photo...using Bic ballpoint pens...he had 3-4 pens i think....

Friday, August 17, 2012

My First Digital Art

This is my first digital art...and judging from the pic, i still have a long way to learn also the fact that I need a digital art tablet and a pen (cuz drawing this using a mouse was a pain). I used the SAI program to paint this and honestly it looks like it was drawn on the old Microsoft Paint lol. steps. I kept the colors simple and flat because...well there's nothing else i know how to do heh...heh.... O yea, click on the pic to expand cuz the minimized version looks pixelated.

Thursday, August 16, 2012


James Potter and Lily Evans when they were still at school. used pen - again.
This is how i release my energy after reading a really good (and long) fanfiction. :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Tom Marvolo Riddle

Tom Riddle, before he became Lord Voldemort. In this picture, he's in his 7th year at Hogwarts.
Materials: black and green pen

The Basic Truth - I am now Pleading to the World

This is perhaps one of the things that i have been wanting to talk about for a long time, but just haven't really had the strategy on how to tackle it. In fact, I still don't know how to tackle it, mostly because I'm not sure if I can manage the entire weight of the topic - or several topics.

But enough of that, i'll just...start.

As student in high school, i often see many kids being neglected or avoided, because they are considered "not cool" or something. They are seen as weird, although there is nothing weird about them, there is nothing wrong. In fact it's quite the opposite.

Another case are the special ed kids who, although aren't bullied, are viewed by many from afar with pity, but on the whole, avoided. People seem to think that whatever they have, will rub off on them if they get too close. The kids who sit in the corner are all but by themselves in a world that can be more cruel than kind.

There are these kids. And then there are the other kids. The ones who do the watching from a distance. All they do is just give them a look, then turn back to their ipods and texts. They move on with their fun lives and although they did nothing wrong, contributing to neglect isn't exactly the right thing either.

But of course, the question is why don't these kids help, or even talk to them? While they read a one word text glaring off the tiny screen of the hottest new smartphone, sitting comfortably in their Abercrombie clothes, the neglected kids are already forgotten. The reason is because they don't want to taint their reputation, they don't want to step out of the factory line that the machine has made for everyone. And that machine is society. This reason, of course, is obvious and in fact can be very tiresome to listen. In fact I'm even tired of it as I write this. But the reason why it's tiresome to listen to is because it's been said so many times. And the reason why it's said so many times is because nobody is really listening.

The words just bounce right off our skulls, not even penetrating.

Society is everything around us. Which is why whatever we do, it feels like someone is watching us. Yes, it can have a Big Brother effect. And it takes courage to jump off the conveyer belt because of that. We don't want to get punished for not following the rules. I say we, because it includes me as well.   Sometimes doing what you think deep down, in your guts, is the right thing, can be difficult. That is human after all. We are always a constant mess of thoughts all tangled together like metal chains. And perhaps that's why the brain looks like the way it does - a jumbled mess. But remember, your biggest enemy is yourself because it is yourself that creates the largest illusions that block the good inside us. In fact, the "punishments" are an illusion that we subconsciously made up.

Many people think, not just the teenagers, that because they live in the modern world, with machines and money that they are living worldly. And I have been one of those people too. People get tired of hearing about starving children in Africa and the death rates in the earthquakes in China and the honor killings the women face in the Middle East for these are old news. The new and exciting news: what the next Iphone 5 might look like. And with that, a side of us turn cold and indifferent. I think this might be due to disinterest. Everywhere we walk, there are pictures, words, information, and cities whose facade of greatness gives each of us a sense of pride in that we are the most intelligent individuals to have ever walked the earth.

But knowledge is nothing without a purpose. And a purpose is no good to anybody if it doesn't have good intentions. And we will all be living a sorry life if we don't have good intentions. Everything has more than one side. Just because our eyes are open doesn't mean we are really seeing. Machines can be used to help the people, science can be used to improve health, and the kid who's texting instead of communicating with the neglected is not a bad person. To feel the slight tug at the heart, which is what guilt really is, is a good sign.

But we cannot just stop there. Just because we see the tiny light in the dark, doesn't mean we have to wait for it to get brighter. We have to walk towards it ourselves and reach it. Saying "nobody's perfect" is not an excuse. I have used that excuse but the thing is, I don't regret having used it because the mistake has taught me a very important lesson. Humans have to make mistakes to better themselves so they can help each other in order to make this planet fit for living at all. It is unfortunate that experience is the best teacher in that sense.

But the lesson is so much more rewarding. It teaches us many things, but overall, it teaches us to see with our hearts, not our eyes.

Reputation, society, rules, public image, these things are so trivial to things like humanity and showing kindess. If only people, especially the younger generations can understand this simple, basic knowledge - not just listen to it - but truly understand it, everybody will be better off. Many kids feel that showing emotion, showing love for their fellow mankind is just too mushy and weird for them. And the mush can barely penetrate their walls.

Most teenagers my age are concerned about their future, their college, their grades, that they forget everything else - their family, their friends. And who can blame them when homework's very existence seems to be more solid than their family and friends? But as I said, we cannot keep on making excuses. I have seen people in my school so focused on their 4.0 GPA that they forget that their friends are having problems with their school work and family issues. The cut within their friendship is deep and nobody mentions it because nobody wants to make it deeper. But what are friends for? Answer the question.

Humans aren't machines. Our minds aren't programmed. Our hearts aren't made out of metal. And our spirits aren't technical. We have the ability to better ourselves. But we think that we're too small and the mere thought on making an impact on the world is so tiring because we all know life is hard enough without having to help others when we're all barely holding on ourselves. And that's the problem with being so "intelligent"; we think too much and our minds can't multitask. We can either think or we can do. And most of the time we just think, mulling over both mundane and profound thoughts that almost never see the light of day. We need to be a balance of both thinking and doing.

Haven't you noticed? The blind can sometimes see much more than everyone else. The amputees can lift a nation much faster and much more gracefully than any other man. And the deaf can understand and process things much more than the ordinary man - and in a more genuine fashion.

We have to be kind. We have to help one another. Humans are capable of anything, good or bad, your call. This is the simple truth in humanity and in religion. I don't believe in God but love for mankind is perhaps the most precious thing that holds all of us together - which is why I'm not against religion.

Humanity is humanity. Kindess is kindness. There are no first editions or second editions, or the latest copy that claims to be better because it's more updated, or just because it says so.

To help each other is to help the world - and to help the world is to help yourself. You may just be one person and that is a very lonely and depressing thought, but everyone is just one person as well. Yet we made it this far, we cannot stop now.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Young Ginny Weasley

This is what Ginny is suppose to look like, not that boring movie version. Well maybe she's not that colorful but that's because I had the cheapest markers ever (the box only contained primary colors of various shades..and by various, i mean two) but it does make it somehow works, huzzah!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Genderbending: Avatar

Genderbending: To change the characters gender. however, zuko still looks like a guy and toph...kinda looks like naruto. 

Drawing in the Power

Avatar Korra. Done in pen, which meant that i was going to mess up on something and can't change it. and i did. on the eye. *sigh.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Finale

 A close up.

This is just something i drew on a plain white t-shirt. This is the back. Yes, i did draw something on the front but it's less epic so i'm not gonna show it lol. I used a purple Sharpie marker in case if you're wondering what that is. Yep...this is how i spend my summer. But hey, what's a HP super fan gonna do? I guess this is just a reminder of just how awesome the story of harry potter is. even i sometimes forget. *sigh.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Just a Note

hey fellow readers, you might've noticed the latest posts and yes, i'm going add more artwork soon cuz...i dunno why i've never thought about doing this before...because i guess it's better to look at then text or my looong posts. Just something to spruce up my blog lol.

The Spanish Lady

I did this for my art class and the paper was too big to fit in my scanner so i had to take a pic of it. And yes, that is my finger at the top....wat? someone had to hold it i did this a while back as you can see a the annoying date at the bottom but i dunno how to get rid of that on my camera. *sigh paper got creased and crinkled at the bottom but o well.

Aang Fire Nation

I did this on a post-it-note when i got bored lol. This is Avatar Aang from "Avatar the Last Airbender." normally bald with his monk robes, he went under disguise in the fire nation dressed in fire nation clothes...and hair. btw..he's holding fire if it's not clear lol. 

The Spy Couple

This was an oil painting that i finished a few weeks ago. The picture is ok considering the camera but eh you can't have everything in life lol. It's loosely based on Chuck and Sarah from the NBC show "Chuck" that ended last year...but this is my tribute even though it's a little late. i it not too late if people still comment on my Chuck NerdHerd t-shirt? 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The Future.... 
i must've written this a dozen times....but now i realize that all those posts that i've written a long time ago, nearly every single one of them on this particular subject was just a big :WHO ARE YOU? question.... and each time was my attempt to confirm the answer. But now i see that i wasn't really trying to confirm the answer - i was trying the force the answer.

whether it was the force the answer out of me or it was because i was trying to force an answer upon myself because i didn't have one: i dunno.

as i continue to grow, as i continue to progress through my path, i can't help think that i'm stalling, if not moving backwards. i realize all the burdens that will come when i grow up and i'm not sure if i can accept them. i understand them, but i haven't quite accepted it yet. the more i look ahead, the more i'm wary of moving forward because of all the hardships i see. this is no longer about school...but everything, the whole shebang. (Gulp) adulthood. 

i'll admit, i feel silly and ridiculous for feeling a lot like peter pan right now. J.M. Barrie, you were right all along. Everything that i've always had a passion for, studying (yes), learning, drawing, and other shenanigans feel like they're slipping away and dropping out of sight. it's like when you first go into an international airport. You're awestruck and intimidated by JFK and barely register the fact that your hand lost it's grip out of shock and the handles of your bags slip off your fingers. You've carried them all this time, focused on your where you're going, and then all of a sudden the world rushes in. 

"...holy crap...."
You've forgotten how complicated and vast everything is. 

If you have ever been to the JFK airport or know of it's reputation, then you'll know what i mean. I believe it's one the world's many ways of giving you a reality check. 
Before you go in: *sigh. everything is as it should be and feeling like catching butterflies
After you go in: Just F*king Kidding.

For the past few days, when many of my classmates, who are about to enter the most stressful chapter of their high school lives, are hard at work studying, i find myself doing nothing. For the longest time i didn't know why i was doing nothing. i was telling myself that i needed to do work or else i'll be stuck in a hellhole once school starts. But now i know; i was avoiding the problem. It is not just procrastinating on homework. It is procrastinating on life. 

life is a beast to take on...and i felt like the easiest way was to avoid it. i was doing nothing because i was trying to stall. But deep down i know that it's going to hunt me down like Kill Bill anyways. I can already imagine it...."The Bride" comes and kicks my ass half way across the world and while i'm still sailing peacefully in the air i think, "maybe avoiding wasn't such a good idea...." 

Before finals, i have been able to devour whole textbooks but the idea of growing up is something i can't wrap my head around. The future. the deepest crap hole ever. and we're all suppose to walk right into it like lemmings. 

Well that's why we have the internet so fine folks like us can complain about our problems. but i don't want to just complain...i want to find the solution. I've heard meditating helps but every time i try to sit still, somewhere always starts itching and then i can't help but i scratch it before i go insane. Plus i'm still not really clear on the concept of a chakra....what is a chakra?! 

The only thing i can think up is the fact that life just keeps rolling on...a lot of the times downhill, but nevertheless, it keeps on going. And whatever what we little grasshoppers do, plant a tree, nuke a city, it will keep on turning like it's nobody's business.

kinda reminds me of my landlord: "here's your place, don't screw it up too much....and just pay me by the end of month"

I know i have to accept...everything. But i don't want to force feed it. I just want to...let it seep in slowly. Then my life can feel normal again and my drive for everything that i used to have a passion for can come back. It's just like when you blink, shake your head, pick up your luggage again, and find your terminal to continue on your path. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Wheels on the Bus

How can you live carefree if you have to limit yourself?
Where carefree is just as much as an obligation and limiting
how can you live by the rules and yet walk outside the line?
to be the outlier - it's not an easy thing to do though talking about it is easy

All through your life, you are told to do what you want, to do the things that most people don't do - to take risks.
but every time you take a big step forward, you stop yourself and take a reality check and take a step back again. there's no one else. there's no physical opposition. just you, the line....and you.
you vs. yourself
But that's the dilema isn't it? Just when you tell yourself what a wonderful feeling it would be to not feel restricted by rules and guidelines, and just after you take a lung-full of air, close your eyes, and clear your head and take that step, time seems to slow down to the point in which your brain recalculates.

"Keep going forward - RECALCULATING" 

then you're eyes snap open, the image of reality floods in and you jump back again.
then the "angel" you scolds you for being so reckless saying stuff like "THINK before you speak...have you THOUGHT it through? what were you THINKING?"
and then you apologize to yourself like you're your own mom or something weird like that

What's the problem? what's stopping you - or us? Why does the angel have to scold us.
Now that i think about, maybe the way we label everything is wrong. What if there was no "angel" and "devil" and what if taking risks didn't have a bad connotation? Wouldn't it be wonderful if everything is like Switzerland? All neutral and full of chocolate (they are great comfort food :)).

perhaps it would be easier if we didn't see everything in black and white, labels and whatnot. Maybe everything would be clearer like a pair of reading glasses (cuz i think we all have glaucoma now). The labels that have laid on top of each other in layers and layers is only get into a bigger pile with each coming year. Seeing things in black and white and even gray is complicating everything and though we may think that that's just how the modern world works: compartmentalized, innovative, advanced, and of course, complicated. But that may not be a good thing - like 3-D glasses.

when have we ever just stopped - and i mean really stopped - and just sat down and thought, about these things. Just take a moment to put your head down and contemplate in the universe of endless darkness. if we didn't think so much about "good", "bad", "idealism", "realism" blah blah, maybe  we can see the bigger picture in which decisions, big and small can be made with a clearer and more confident mind?

now i know that this might be just all kid talk. Yea sure, lets just ditch humanity and go back to being monkeys and not care about anything but bananas and peeing on trees to mark territories. There it goes with the labeling.

You know, sometimes i think that humans are too smart for their own good
there's just too much to think about.
Especially when you realize that knowledge is not encased in a list. It's not some shopping list that once you learn something, you check off on the list and there are gradually less things to deal with. No, knowledge is definitely not a list. It it more like pop stars. Just when you thought Britney Spears ended, then comes Miley Cyrus. And just when she stopped, then came Justin Bieber. And before he even went anywhere, came Rebecca Black. Well she's gone.....who's next? You begin to realize that no matter how many come and go, there will always be another popstar, and another, and another, and another....Finally you feel like somebody is pranking you and you are standing in a dark room, now wondering if it is a room at all. You start to think that this might actually be a dark tunnel in which the there an end? The more you learn, the more you realize that there are even more things to know....or rather more things that you don't know. and therefore, you realize just how little you really know...about anything. That's knowledge.

ok off topic once again - this is why i can't get good grades on essays lol.

as for the bigger picture i'm was talking you wanna know what it is?
it is the Earth..
in other words, whatever decisions you make, don't look back.
take responsibility of your actions and don't blame others
don't say "If only i had....." because you can always steer yourself in the right direction again.
don't look back. there's no point. move on. the sun rises and sets everyday.
and the wheels on the bus goes round and round and round again....

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I lost my mojo (i had mojo?)

....he said......sadly....@!#$!$#@!$#@!

Well the truth comes out: I have officially lost my writing mojo. As you might've noticed, I haven't written much lately - or wrote well lately. Ever since a year ago, i have not written a proper editorial, or articles that gave my signature sage wisdom to my readers in troubled times. Nope, i've just written some rants about school and how much i hate course selections and teachers i hate. 

but hey, that's still "things" isn't it? although when i chose "things" as the name of my blog (i wasn't really creative) i kinda implied "(good) things."

Needless to say, all my dreams of being head of TIME magazine are dashed. 

The ability to write, words actually, just flowed out of my brain like....uh...water. But now i write like i'm constipated. Maybe it's writer's block or maybe i'm just out of practice. Or maybe it's the amount of stress and pressure i get from school that makes me all nervous. And of course, every time i'm nervous, i screw up. I've never thought about it this way (probably cuz i still had my mojo back then), but now whenever i see that blinking cursor, i imagine my chem teacher looking at me in an expectant/arrogant way. No idea why my chemistry teacher....maybe because i don't like chemistry.

You know, the saddest part is that i saw this coming but i couldn't stop it. I saw it from a mile away. Like in a desert, and the heat rises in barely visible waves, and you can see a vague figure in the distance.....ok here's a better analogy. Like when you watch a scary movie and you know that something is going to jump out, so you mentally prepare yourself for the moment until - 

 Unlike the buildup or the climax, the aftermath is a slow and drawn out torture....

"jeez wow, didn't know you were such a this your first time watching a horror movie?"

"...NO, of course not...."
Answer: yes

now i'm trying to slowly crawl back to the golden days. i have to, otherwise how i'm i suppose to be worthy enough to even apply for journalism? 

but it's okay, cuz i've got a plan. I just have to read a lot more books. And not those boring books you get in you literature class. But i've tried to keep an open mind, so i've tried to thoroughly analyze the writing in the book i got from one of my classes, "Lone Patriot" by Jane Kramer. Well here's the data results and analysis from the experiment: 
  • Paperback: 272 pages (pretty short)
  • Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.6 x 8 inches (pretty small)
  • Time took to read: 5 weeks
  • Symptoms: drowsiness, headaches, and may cause vomiting 
Here's the other side notes:
"Lone Patriot" was about the backwoods militia americans who live in the forgotten corners of Washington whose goal was to bring the country back to it's days of the founding fathers. But before you think of Robin Hood and his Merry Men, consider this: this ragtag group consisted of child molesters, anti-semitics  (that's a given) that resides in their mobile home sweet mobile homes, and basically platinum card members of (weapons and ammunition) general stores. That's all great and exciting but....i think i significantly loosened my tooth when my elbow, which was propping my head while i was reading/sleeping, slipped and my face hit the edge of the table. Literature books (and their movies) can be really disappointing. i mean, they build you up with their summary that always ends in a " the book to find out what happened!" (or the teacher says it) and you end up with long droning lectures about...stuff that you and i obviously can't remember now.

So, moral of the story is, only read school unrelated books. it's ok, there's always Sparknotes or cliff notes or something like that.

Now that i think about it, i think that books should have warning signs on the back....headaches, drowsiness, vomiting, may cause diarrhea...

Another way i can improve is...write more. 
Yup that's right. It's gonna be a long road back home. There's gonna be some sweat, tears, grueling workouts like....finger push ups or something, pencil breaking, paper cuts, and all that jazz going on.
And my readers, or reader, will have to be there every step of the way (unless you get tired of me writing crap and leave - i won't judge (secretly i will)). It's gonna be a hell of a slow process. But i'm foolishly optimistic write (pun intended...ha...ha...)? Slowly but maturely, it's a journey i have to go through alone. no one can help me. not even trusty 

But before i go on this painful and upper-lip-sweating journey.....i've just got two more questions to ask:



what's another word for "sadly" ?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Course Selections

it has arrived
one of the most stressful things in high school....signing up for junior year's classes
i wished i was never born...

if i never reach average height...i'm going to blame the stress
ok enough self's the problem: what should i take next year?
geez, i can't even write properly
i dunno if is should take AP US History, everyone is telling me that i should take it but i really don't know if i should. the stress for just choosing classes is incredible - i can literally feel an anvil is weighing on my mind
anyways,  i'm already taking 3 AP classes and 2 Honors classes but people are making me feel like i should take more AP 5 or something
i like history but i don't think that i'll have enough time for other stuff that i wan't to accomplish in junior year...
when in doubt...make a list:
this is all the things i want to do next year:

  • REALIZE THAT SCHOOL ISN'T ALL THERE IS TO LIFE(which i feel like it is right now
of course i want to successful in life
i mean who doesn't
but i feel like people are saying that if i don't take APUSH then i'm not gonna get into a good college blah blah blah...
it's hard making your own decisions and sticking up for yourself when everyone around you is pressuring you to do something
i can be successful in the future without taking APUSH right? right....?
i hate making decisions.....usually the idea of freedom to choose whatever you want is a good idea
but it isn't when what you want isn't one of the options
what do i want? i wish i wouldn't have to make decisions.....

it's times like these when i wish that humans lived in jungles and ate bananas all day and hanged out with chimpanzees...

i'm planning to take regular US history....and i dunno if i'm the right the decision
i kind of wanna take APUSH but....i'm worried if i might not do well in it
then what? not get into a good college like everyone says?
i've written editorials and other stuff about making your own decisions...and so far i'm not a hypocrite
sticking to your own beliefs and making your own decisions isn't easy.....that's one thing i learned
also, writers can be full of crap

makes me wanna find a grass field in some unknown european country and lie down and look at the of the luxuries of life...

right now, all i see is my course selection papers

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Artist (NOT THE MOVIE)

When I was in 1st grade...the only thing I wanted to be was an artist.

Well, what were my options at the time? As far as anyone knew at that point, you can only be a doctor, policeman, firefighter, artist, vet, a computer guy (only knew that one cuz my dad is one), and...and...a ballerina.

It wasn't like I was so narrow minded and sure of myself at the age of 6 that I was sure that I was going to be an artist when i grew up; I did try to keep an open mind and to try everything. I knew I didn't wanted to be a doctor because I'm bad at "Operation" and moreover, I get queasy at the sight of blood (wimp). So "doctor" was gone in two seconds flat. I didn't want to be a policeman because at the time, I was scared of them (still is I think...what's with the sunglasses??). I didn't want to be a firefighter because i didn't like fire (WIMP). Needless to say, I found out rather quickly that I wasn't the heroic kind. I was the sensitive, wimpy kind (for Halloween I dressed up as Dopey).

Ballet was a messy business for me, even at the age of 5. I won't go into detail but let's just say that not event the appeal of the pretty tutus could keep me in class for more than 2 weeks.

so that left me one choice, artist.

The only indications that I had to myself at the time that I had possessed any artistic talents was my obsession with drawing watermelons and squirrels. I didn't consider it seriously at the time but it did float around my head a lot. Nevertheless, when I talked about my passion for drawing with my friend in first grade during lunch time, she turned to me with an incredulous look and said, "Drawing? But that's easy - it's just circles, sticks and curvy lines!"

She being the dominant one in our friendship, I quickly followed her lead and (reluctantly) agreed that she was right. Yep, I was a wimp.

And that was how I looked at art from then on, a good way to get good grades, a tedious task, and most importantly, circles, sticks and curvy lines.

By that time my parents thought it best to send me the Chinese school "so's to not forget my own language" (but i stopped after 5 years there and forgot everything afterwards, but that's a different story). There was an art teacher there and she taught everyone how to draw panda bears using step-by-step processes. It was a fact that i excelled in that class even though we weren't getting grades and credits or anything. I just liked it there and I found my own little niche. The teacher took notice of my and offered to take me in as a student. I said maybe. My parents said "YES." Later she stopped teaching at the chinese school and another teacher came. She was another professional artist and eventually she also wanted me as a student. Well, I told her that I was off the market.

So when I was sent to the art studio at the age of 7, I would never thought that I was going to be there for the next 9 years. But that 9 years seemed to drag on for a long time. I sent many of my artworks into local competitions and won quite a few awards. But those were all pretty insignificant. Although art class did have it's moments, I felt that at the time, I would rather be at home watching Yu-Gi Yo. Circles, sticks, and curvy lines.

It wasn't like I had lost my flare for art; I was constantly praised for my drawing skills from elementary school and all the way even now. But those were the years of preteen ignorance in which I was fully aware of but didn't bother to suppress it. I still liked drawing, just not taking classes every Saturday when I felt like I could have done some relaxing instead.

And that was how it went for a while. Until, middle school.

Many things happened at that time: I was in a new school, I was no longer at the top dog at school but a  small 6th grader, I found it very easy to get straight A's, became a full time nerd, and forced to look at myself in the mirror, stare, and wonder what the hell I'm gonna do when I grow up.

For a several years, I played with the idea of being a scientist. I loved science at the time mostly because I found out that I was good at math and science. I played with the idea of being a teacher. For the longest time, I wanted to be a historian/archaeologist because I also found out that I liked history mostly because I got an A+ in that class.  I also thought about being a writer because I also found out that I liked writing (still do lol). "Artist" hadn't resurfaced at that point.

But it did. And when it did, I found out that I...liked the idea of it. But there was a problem; I knew that being an artist was the kind of job that was too surreal to fit into the real world. It wasn't a job that could be easy to find. I also was aware of the bubble that I was living in - I knew that there were plenty of other artists that were probably more talented than I was. Being an artist would be a risk.

So the Second Reich began in which I tried to stamp out any thought about becoming an artist. I told myself that it was a dangerous game and the best choice was to strip it down into what I told myself art really was, a hobby. I even told myself that I would be better off doing something academic, something more honorable. But every time I tried to run away, I always ran into one form of art or another whether it was literature, paintings, or drama. However, I wouldn't even admit it to myself even if it was staring right at me.

That continued on well into high school. By that time, I was really excelling in my art class. I had been entered in competitions and magazines which I thoroughly enjoyed. I had really started to enjoy art class, more than I did before and I found myself thinking what I wanted to draw in the next class. I would then release all my energy in doodling...which took hours and a lot of will power and self scolding to stop. It was no longer circles, sticks, and curvy lines. I felt even more passion for art.

So during the summer before 9th grade, I looked at real artists' artworks. I loved each and every one of it. And I found out something about art that I had always known but wasn't aware that I did: Art was beautiful, art was simple, art was complicated, art was tranquil, art was creepy, art was serious and sometimes, at the best of times, art was funny as hell.

And that's when I realized, "Holy sh*t, I can't get rid of it." I loved art and that was a fact. I had come to that conclusion on my own because I was forced to. I couldn't get rid of art and I was physically tired of trying to fight it. It was also physically impossible, like trying to get out of a full body speedo. It was the truth. It's like when you look all around the house for something and you just can't find it and you've been looking everywhere. Then when you push away a few boxes in the closet, you find this small toy that you had since you were a in kindergarden or something. You look at it fondly, forget whatever you were looking for because you realized that this was something much better. It might have the been the thing you were looking for the whole time but you didn't realize it at the time. I felt like that art itself was a really innocent and true friend that I didn't treat too kindly when I was younger, yet it was loyal even then. It followed me all throughout my life and I barely took notice of it.

I had a hard time realizing who I am as myself. I never thought I would have trouble with the whole cheesy "WHO AM I?!" thing but things are only cheesy because they happen so often and that they are the deep sentimental stuff that nobody wants to deal with. But the only thing that happens often, always leads to the same result, and is too sensitive to have anyone wanting to admit to it is the truth. The truth is a really cheesy thing that we all have to deal with. And that's what I found out.

Art and I had a long love-hate relationship for which I'm sure that this rom com story isn't going to end any sooner.

I'm still not sure exactly what I'm going to be when I grow up. But I have a pretty good idea.