Friday, August 24, 2012

The A/C

I drew this for my school newspaper and i kinda ran out of time so it didn't turn out as well as i wanted it to be which is why it looks sorta hurried (especially the text in the speech bubble, which btw is just the mom complaining about the economy, gas prices, everything expensive, etc.). Anyway, this goes along with my opinion article about how teenager should save money because of everything that's going on -  especially gas prices ( which is what my article is mainly about). Here's the link to the article if you're interested.
see in full view! stuff looks better that way
ps. lol people said they were impressed with this so i started to feel good about myself but then i went on yahoo and found out about the guy who drew a girl so well that it looks like a photo...using Bic ballpoint pens...he had 3-4 pens i think....

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