Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas and the New Year

i got to eve was pretty good
yea i spent it at one of those asian dinner parties...although i guess considering the situation it's just an ordinary christmas party
my friend and i went up in her room and watched Harry Potter 7 part 2, then Rio, then kind of dwindled down to taking turns showing each other funny videos on Youtube

i showed her this really funny scene from Chuck

she showed me Nyan cat

I showed her a funny prank that somebody in Japan did to a mob of people

....she showed me the Santa version of Nyan cat.....

after that i just kinda took over and forced her to enjoy the wonderful world of Chuck by making her watch a series of funny scenes. Or at least that was the general plan until i realized that she actually enjoyed Chuck and while she was rolling around the floor laughing with tears streaming down her now thoroughly red face and totally carefree, i looked at this situation as a business opportunity. After years of trying to get people to watch the (INCREDIBLE) series, i took a deep breath, playing it cool with my newfound salesman skills, and sealed the deal....

i cornered her and made her promise to watch all of the Chuck episodes

yea not that suave now that i look back at it....oh well, overall a good day

as for the actually Christmas day, i did absolutely nothing
yea it was pretty much me eating a sandwich on the couch and watching TV....and i didn't even realize that it was Christmas until i recalled that last night was Christmas eve.....and that revelation didn't happen until 4 pm or something....It was all really hazy; i just remembered my friend laughing and rolling on the floor a lot


so my dad took me to watch War Horse (eh it was ok) and i was thinking "wow whats the occasion eh?" i just took it as a pleasant surprise and decided to just go along with it

finally after halfway through the movie i was like "hm....a lot of people here today thank god we came a little early....a lot of people, must be opening day or something....wait it is opening day...that SHIT TODAY IS CHRISTMAS"

thank god it was all dark in the theater so nobody can see my facial expression
well not my....most proudest moment but hey i was pretty hammered from the night before; i drank a lot of asian chrysanthemum that came in juice boxes which resulted in A LOT of bathroom trips (hey what's a person with a retainer suppose to do?) is New Year's Eve, what am i gonna do?

i'm gonna sit on the couch, eat a sandwich, and watch TV
it is one of the greatest feelings in the world; when all the miscellaneous things like Math, Chemistry, worries, and exercising all just peel away.....leaving nothing but you, a TV, and a sandwich...

Hope you all have a great new year.  

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