Monday, February 1, 2010

jobs = food

there is a school trip to Yosemite National Bank
Yosemite national park

the only way i know how to spell yosemite
is by breaking it down like this

yose - mite

that's the same with Uranus but i won't go to specifics

that trip cost about $600
and i'm not going
cuz it's too expensive

obviously people are really cautious about spending there money
i realized that when i was dining with my mom and i was eating soo much

and she started teasing me about it and so told me that i am only "a consumer"

well then i said (i tried, remember i'm still eating) "well consumers can help the economy"

but then she also said that i am a "shit producer" but i had no comebacks for that so yea...

back on the subject
people are wary to spend money

especially now
but now another important thing in my life is that my parents are constantly asking me what i want to be when i grow up

it was really annoying

i wanted to say "i want to get really far away"

but i couldn't

and cant

they asked me it i wanted to be a doctor and giving me stuff like "o if i wasnt so poor as a child, i would've been a doctor" or something

well i said no cuz i didn't want to cut people up and draw blood or jam a needle into someone

and then they asked me whether i wanted to be a lawyer how typical

i said no cuz i'm not good in dealing with other people's problems or even want to deal with other people's buisness

and law is boring
all i need to know are the political cartoons in the new york times and the statue of liberty
and that fine with me

at that point, my parents just lost all hope in life
but still
i just rejected to two most promising careers in the nation or world or both

but desperately my dad asked me if i wanted to be a dentist
and i was like YES

actually i said no

i mean come on
i don't want to be somebody's tooth pick

so yea
infact i don't know what i want to be
there is so much things out there
and i know that from all the online job adds that are on the sides with little cartoon with different outfits above the name of the job

jobs are like food
the more disgusting, the better it is for you

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