Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Wheels on the Bus

How can you live carefree if you have to limit yourself?
Where carefree is just as much as an obligation and limiting
how can you live by the rules and yet walk outside the line?
to be the outlier - it's not an easy thing to do though talking about it is easy

All through your life, you are told to do what you want, to do the things that most people don't do - to take risks.
but every time you take a big step forward, you stop yourself and take a reality check and take a step back again. there's no one else. there's no physical opposition. just you, the line....and you.
you vs. yourself
But that's the dilema isn't it? Just when you tell yourself what a wonderful feeling it would be to not feel restricted by rules and guidelines, and just after you take a lung-full of air, close your eyes, and clear your head and take that step, time seems to slow down to the point in which your brain recalculates.

"Keep going forward - RECALCULATING" 

then you're eyes snap open, the image of reality floods in and you jump back again.
then the "angel" you scolds you for being so reckless saying stuff like "THINK before you speak...have you THOUGHT it through? what were you THINKING?"
and then you apologize to yourself like you're your own mom or something weird like that

What's the problem? what's stopping you - or us? Why does the angel have to scold us.
Now that i think about, maybe the way we label everything is wrong. What if there was no "angel" and "devil" and what if taking risks didn't have a bad connotation? Wouldn't it be wonderful if everything is like Switzerland? All neutral and full of chocolate (they are great comfort food :)).

perhaps it would be easier if we didn't see everything in black and white, labels and whatnot. Maybe everything would be clearer like a pair of reading glasses (cuz i think we all have glaucoma now). The labels that have laid on top of each other in layers and layers is only get into a bigger pile with each coming year. Seeing things in black and white and even gray is complicating everything and though we may think that that's just how the modern world works: compartmentalized, innovative, advanced, and of course, complicated. But that may not be a good thing - like 3-D glasses.

when have we ever just stopped - and i mean really stopped - and just sat down and thought, about these things. Just take a moment to put your head down and contemplate in the universe of endless darkness. if we didn't think so much about "good", "bad", "idealism", "realism" blah blah, maybe  we can see the bigger picture in which decisions, big and small can be made with a clearer and more confident mind?

now i know that this might be just all kid talk. Yea sure, lets just ditch humanity and go back to being monkeys and not care about anything but bananas and peeing on trees to mark territories. There it goes with the labeling.

You know, sometimes i think that humans are too smart for their own good
there's just too much to think about.
Especially when you realize that knowledge is not encased in a list. It's not some shopping list that once you learn something, you check off on the list and there are gradually less things to deal with. No, knowledge is definitely not a list. It it more like pop stars. Just when you thought Britney Spears ended, then comes Miley Cyrus. And just when she stopped, then came Justin Bieber. And before he even went anywhere, came Rebecca Black. Well she's gone.....who's next? You begin to realize that no matter how many come and go, there will always be another popstar, and another, and another, and another....Finally you feel like somebody is pranking you and you are standing in a dark room, now wondering if it is a room at all. You start to think that this might actually be a dark tunnel in which the end....is there an end? The more you learn, the more you realize that there are even more things to know....or rather more things that you don't know. and therefore, you realize just how little you really know...about anything. That's knowledge.

ok off topic once again - this is why i can't get good grades on essays lol.

as for the bigger picture i'm was talking about.....do you wanna know what it is?
it is the Earth..
in other words, whatever decisions you make, don't look back.
take responsibility of your actions and don't blame others
don't say "If only i had....." because you can always steer yourself in the right direction again.
don't look back. there's no point. move on. the sun rises and sets everyday.
and the wheels on the bus goes round and round and round again....

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