Monday, April 22, 2013

A little relfection

so i looked back at some of the stuff in my blog
and yea i pretty much just post "what bothers me"

and i can justify that because i suddenly feel defensive and all lol

i only talk about what bothers me because it gives me a way to form an argument. The more i'm bothered, the more i can talk about it

because if i think something is good, then there is no real bother in talking about. I mean all i can say it that yea, it's good, keep it that way.

on the other hand, now that i think about there might be some "good" topics that i can talk about. But i think it'll end up in an "bother" type argument anyway.

for example, I recently became obsessed with the british comedian Ricky Gervais.
He's a good comedian, makes me laugh until i piss myself, and yea. Just overall a really funny guy.
Also his shows are all good, like The Office, Extras, Life's too Short, and especially An Idiot Abroad, with pretty much anything he does with Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington.

so how can this turn into a "bother" type thing?
well first of all, after Ricky's hosting performances at the Golden Globes, the media has panned it as bad and stuff.

Which "pisses me off" cuz it "bothers me that" he's only making fun of millionaires giving each other golden statues. I mean come on people.

Yea so before i go on any further, cuz this was meant to be a short thing, I'll just end it pretty much here.

See? i've proven my point. If something's wrong, fix it. If it's all good, then leave it as is. That's the general rule of thumb. Something i've been unconsciously following. Also because i find myself i just sound better as a cynic. It's sort of my thing really. Sad thing, but nevertheless mine.

I was told I sound better as a cynic that's why. I was told that it was my thing. So i've just sort of unconsciously stuck to it. well, now that i'm acknowledging it, i don't think it's still unconscious.
anyway, i dunno if it should stick to this shtick though.
Like i say in pretty much all of my blogs, I end up thinking that either i just written a bunch of drivel
or i sound like i have issues. or both

we'll see.



  1. Lol but I still think you are perhaps being a little one sided.

    (Also LOL back when I said Holden was a psychopath, you said no, because "psychopath IS an extreme condition." Well, sorry but it bothers me when people generalize *black and white* There are Varying Degrees of psychopathy. Yes, some are extreme, but there ARE such thing as "mild" cases and "severity" of mental disorder, no? :P)

    Sure, you may not think Ricky's offensiveness is all that bad. But I think it's pretty often that comedians cross the fine line between funny and offensive. I probably sound like a Goody Two Shoes to you, but this is just like religion. People get touchy about certain things that others might find petty, and Ricky should try to be more careful when he talks.

    I did some research, apparently Ricky did offend Robert Downey Jr. and quite a number of others. And I don't think that he's only "making fun of millionaires giving each other golden statues" O.O Seems more than that. But then, I don't know a lot about him. Feel free to correct me.

    Personally, I also feel: while they are admired by many, Celebrities are also often Downplayed as human beings by many...kinda reminds me of Their Eyes Were Watching God. People thought rich Janie was being good-for-nothing, arrogant, etc. But I believe most celebrities go thru tremendous amounts of stress. Which explains why MANY turn to drugs.

    Now that I think of it, I'm sure even Justin Bieber is putting on a facade. He probably has those days where he just breaks down, and cries his eyes out, when he's by himself. Who knows...

    But I digress.

    & ermm "If something's wrong, fix it." (Wait did I miss your point here, or are you just being sarcastic..?) The world isn't as black and white as that... No such thing as panaceas... o.o Life issues aren't that simple...

    "Cynic" is only your thing if you're gonna continue having this outlook on life lol, I personally stilllll think you should be more optimistic :P (Not a lotta benefit in being a cynic, you're more likely to DO something, other than complain, if you're optimistic)

    Feel free to debate my position on this. (No, really, I'm open to changing my viewpoint if you can do it :P But you just gotta convince me first.) AND NO U DO NOT HAVE ISSUES i never said that (in case ur implying i did) IT'S JUST UR OUTLOOK ON LIFE DAT'S ALL~~

    wow i type a lot gosh

    1. wat the hell does holden have to do with this?
      jesus christ dude search up what a psychopath is!
      also you should watch some stand up comedy before you think that ricky's jokes are personal. I mean Rober De Niro is sitting on a mountain of cash right now - he's gonna be fine. He's a grown man, he can take a few jabs. And that's what comedy's all about - you have got to learn how to laugh at yourself. And it's not like this is the first time that's happened. Celebrities aren't wounded soldiers for christ sake.

    2. i mentioned Holden cuz i dislike being one-perspectived / generalizations & u r being a little defensive :P

      kk there are different types of psychopaths, and yes Holden is more psychotic than psychopathic, but he certainly displays mildly psychopathic tendencies, e.g. self-centered, no sense of responsibility, antisocial, a yearning to control others (and "catch the children" etc), impulsivity. Of course he does feel remorse for his brother, but he overgeneralizes his world & rejects human contact & i see no emotion/love he gives for anyone besides his family

      (im actually quite interested in psychology lol esp. since most of my family is mentally afflicted someway or another..)

      & yes Ricky can make his jokes when he's doing his own thing at his own stand up comedy
      when he's hosting for public events, i think he should try to make more tempered jokes...
      Cuz there's a different audience
      a touchier audience
      (i suppose ur used to stand up comedy so ur not very touchy like probably a majority of people are)

      yeah but even if U think celebrities r being touchy,
      they perfectly have the right to say "it hurts, can you please take that back"

      i think he should learn more tact & judgment..
      like when he's not doing standup, he shoud probably avoid joking about other people (except himself if he wants) in general
      just common courtesy :P like good tablemanners, he should try to be more gentlemanny!

    3. (whoops correction: Holden doesn't reject human contact cuz he seeks it, but nonetheless he still fulfills much of the Psychopathy Checklist XD) esp the Type 2, Holden's not too much Type 1

      Type 1 psychopathy = manipulative/lying, Type 2 psychopathy = "socially deviant lifestyle"

      & he's not Type 2 to the extremest of extremity either, just saying he parallels some of the symptoms
      sorry if i seem hung up on this
      but u seem to always say "Jesus Christ" whenever i mention this
      but yeah now u kno y i think this~~)

    4. just remembered Holden also lies about himself a lot to save face & appear better in front of others o.o and also to that Ernest's mom lol
      but idk ill concede,
      everything is open to interpretation,
      depending on whether u think his motives r guilt or just an extreme clinginess/worshipping of his brohter, & also how u interpret the "catching children" part...
      i can def. see how u can argue he is not a psychopath too

      LOL sorry for talking to myself so much....btw heh i broke my lil sister's laptop screen yesterday.... omo i also failed my chinese quiz even tho i did look on quizlet... kk ill stop commenting for now xD
