Tuesday, April 23, 2013

thoughts on advise

just had a thought today
before i do homework and other stuff
and i decided to share it

so about advise.
i think that generally, listening to other people give you advise doesn't really help you
let me explain a bit

usually when you listen to other people give advise to you, you just sort of zone out or let it leak out the other ear. basically you just forget about it and you move on. course maybe a few dregs might stay in your mind, you know, just to file it away like in the "history" section of your gathered information.

besides just mindlessly forgetting about it, there are other ways of ignoring advise.
like if you can't take criticism, whether it's constructive or not because of pride or watever.
i know that happens to me a lot.

other times i try to remember advise on life that some elderly person gives me but i always manage to forget it.

Sometimes forgetting the advise is on purpose and sometimes it's not. Either way, it's useless just listening to someone tell you what to do or what not to do.

Because you don't really learn from it. Watever the subject matter, however important that advise is, you won't really learn it if you don't have some sort of concrete experiences that gives to a concept of an advise that would otherwise just float around in the air.

people only REALLY get what people mean if they've experienced it.
whenever you say "OH i know what you mean..." you really do know because at some in time you've had an experience that provides the whole works of it like a wikipedia page.

for example, if you, let's say, went swimming once.
you have an entirely and thoroughly researched file on that subject now.
you know what the water feels like
what the pool smells like
what the bubbles in the hot tub felt like
how shallow is the shallow side
how deep is the deep side
the common places where people leave their change
people secretly urinating in the pool
i mean the whole works
and especially if you liked swimming or watever

you learn a shit load more than just reading a book on swimming and seeing "swimming is fun. The water is nice." it's just a concept if you've never practiced and tested it out.
it's kinda scientific in that way with the whole scientific method business

you i think that when it comes to advise, the only way heart and brain goes "DAMN i get it now!" is when you are out and about finding your own advise.

the people who gives advise (in a genuine manner that is) are the people who've experienced it and are trying to pass down their knowledge and shit. Which is all good, cuz they want to prevent others from making that same mistake and stuff. You can follow it, but it's not really learning.

if you came to a fork in the road and you've got two paths, and one guy tells you to take the left one cuz the right one tests your bravery and shit with dragons and other mythic folklorish stuff, it would be natural to disregard or not disregard that advice and choose watever.

and if you do just believe the guy and take the left one, great you just avoided some potentially problematic situations. but then it's like...you haven't really learned anything. you just sort of followed watever the guy said without any input on your own thoughts and intuition. not that that's bad necessarily i mean your still all in one piece.

but if you took the right path based on your own opinion and gut watever, and you do face difficulties, you have the great opportunity to learn and live by facing life without that old guy in the middle.

sometimes the choices are hard the risks are higher. But eh that's just the way it is. you just got to learn the hard way - even if that means years. after that its just a waiting game to see if you can climb out of your own crap hole.

srry if that doesn't make sense but i'm trying here lol

being foolish is the best way to get smarter i guess
cuz you cant get any dumber
make mistakes to learn. got to remember the learn part though. That shit's important.
but it's ok because learning is automatic - unless there's something wrong with your brain or watever
i mean you cant go around just making mistakes without thinking you should change something
learning is preprogramed.

anyway, it's all within reason of course
i don't want to end up having kids playing around with knives to "learn" about its dangers


  1. Yo I'm a little confused at what exactly is this definition of "advise" you are talking about. A few examples of this "advise" would have been nice lol. Sure, some "advise" (like "you should be an engineer when you grow up, cuz i said so") might be limiting, but I contend "advise" is too broad to be generalized.

    Personally, this is what I think:
    I think you were a little one sided when you said "you just got to learn the hard way." What I think about this. True, sometimes people give shallow advice. But no, advise is not "useless." Well-meaning advice should be **taken into consideration**. YOU are the one who makes the final choice. BUT What advice does is **gives you perspective**. Advice can **open you up to options** and **tell you what to look out for**. Sometimes advice even gives you motivation, if your unsure whether to take a risk. But in the end, of course, *you* are the ultimate one who decides what you wanna do.

    My logic follows like this:

    I feel like people shouldn't PURPOSEFULLY be conformist or nonconformist. They shouldn't PURPOSEFULLY listen to Mainstream to be "cool," or Indie to be "unique." I think people should just go with what appeals to THEMSELVES as a person. :P If it just happens to be conformist, or if it just happens to be eccentric, so be it.

    Same with advise. What I personally think: Do not consistently disregard advise, also do not blindly follow it. Besides, LEmme Get Dis STraight: NothinG IS BlacK AnD WhitE. You can always take PART of some advise and MIX AND MATCH!! to form your final decision :DD (who said you HAVE to either COMPLETELY FOLLOW or COMPLETELY DISREGARD advise?) And again, you are the one in charge.

    Personally. The type of advise that I particularly don't like is generalizations. ...like my family situation. People always tell me to "Just talk to your dad when he's not mad!" But try reasoning to an alcoholic... you can't. Yes, his OCD, anxiety, and paranoia are all at pretty severe levels, so he is definitely not completely sane or mentally stable...Not to mention his intense anger...But no one seems to understand the situation. "Talking" is not enough to deal with him if HE is unwilling to change. So...yeah....Lol Conclusion: Advise that people know nothing about doesn't usually you help all that much.

    So yeah What Drives Me Nuts is ~Generalizations~... (a loooot of ppl generalize way more than they should...Omg I feel a "generalizations" rant coming on, but I'll stop typing for here lol, or else it'll be too long)

    So conclusion: "being foolish is the best way to get smarter" I'm not so sure about that... What is smart? I say the "best way to get smarter (success?)" is to be open-minded (aka not limiting urself), reasonable/realistic/practical, and willing to take risks, to some extent. I don't think you want to waste too much valuable time "being foolish" lol :P

    1. lol you misinterpreted what i meant

      i don't mean that you should go out of your way to not take people's advice, i'm just saying that a lot of times you get advice from people but you disregard them and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

      i guess i should explain myself more but when i blog i'm in a "i don't give shit" mood

    2. heh heh woow im like 1 of those zealous Yahoo Answers ppl who type a lot O.O

      anyhow ok yeah of course nothing is completely "good" or "bad" & it always depends on the situation :P

      lol kkk well at least ur not writing for a blog w/ a lot of publicity or something, so u can blog as freely as u want :D

  2. But I completely agree MISTAKES ARE VALUABLE TO THE LEARNING PROCESS. But yeah your main point was "Advice" so my above comment ^ was a response to your position on "Advise." XD
